The “International Summer School in Entrepreneurship” organized by the #empl-oi project consortium was hosted by the University of Naples, from July 24th to 30th 2016 in Naples.
This first intensive programme was carried out in the frame of #empl-oi main activities. The project #empl-oi aimed to increase employability and mobility by bringing together the needs of labour market and education. The Summer School in Naples hosted students from European partner universities. Partner universities developed a new material on social entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial skills (online courses). Students had courses, also different activities and real life challenges were organized by both universities and labour market actors. The purpose of this Intensive Programme was to develop entrepreneurial skills and attitudes.
Theoretical and practical courses were delivered by the 5 partner universities (University of Lodz, University of Naples, University of Alcalà, University of Nice, Vytautas Magnus University). Two company representatives (Advanticsys Sistemas y Servicios SL and Foundation for Promotion of Entrepreneurship) shared their experiences and provided insights about their labour market knowledge and know-how.
This Intensive Programme was a way of strengthening cooperation in between labour market actors and universities.
“The #EMPL-OI course gave us the opportunity to get a wider vision about Europe and its people. It was great to share impressions, thoughts and points of view with entrepreneurs and very motivated people from different countries of our diverse and plural European Union.” – Miguel Indurain (Student from the University of Alcalà).
The Summer School was also a mode to increase awareness about cultural differences and meet international people.
“I thought it would have been harder for me to meet international business students from France, a startup owner and a NPO activist from Spain. And probably the most important thing I learned could be summarized in two points: How an international project works – Experience of foreign European Students and their lives” Vytautas Siugzda (Student from Vytautas Magnus University).
In addition to the lectures, participants visited and enjoyed the city of Naples, that is rich in culture and history.
By participating in this Intensive Programme, students enhanced their entrepreneurial mind-sets. The principle of close business-cooperation was put into effect.