
The guidelines aim to explore and propose tools to ensure that the communication and cooperation between employers and universities target changes in the way courses are designed and delivered. Labor market actors and universities will discuss how feedback could be used and implemented at the university level. Discussions between universities and companies must center on the most efficient methods that could be applied to gather feedback from the labor market actors, and how this feedback could be used to tackle the identified issues.

Employers and academic staff will be asked to express their opinions about the existing communication gaps and the way that it could be improved, to ensure that all viewpoints are considered. Data from partner universities will be collected and summarized by the lead partner - University of Naples Federico II – in close cooperation with ESN and EUF-CE. Business partners, such as Lithuanian Business confederation, will contribute by providing their input, analysing their current experiences and suggesting realistic solutions.

The draft version of the guidelines will be mainly prepared by EUF-CE, ESN, University of Naples Federico II and Lithuanian Business confederation. They will be tested and discussed during the Summer School in Nice (Intensive Programme number 2) among all project partners. The added value of the guidelines will be the concrete solutions proposed in order to facilitate meaningful, targeted and structured usage of employers’ opinions in the university setting.

University of Napoli Federico II

The University of Naples Federico II was established in 1224 through an Imperial Charter of Federico II Hohenstaufen, King of Sicily and Holy Roman Emperor. It was the first publicly funded university in Europe. The university offers courses in essentially all academic disciplines, leading to 155 graduate level degrees. Research facilities and libraries spread across the campuses provide resources for all these courses.  Students are given the opportunity to pursue intellectual development as well as the acquisition of professional skills.