Summer School 2016

The International Summer School in Entrepreneurship – Organization Management Accounting was held from 24th July 2016 to 30th July 2016 in Italy, Naples. This first intensive programme offered by #empl-oi, had the ambition to test a new material developed on social entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial skills (online courses). The content development of these online courses (outlined by the University of Lodz) is a way of providing input from the labor market actors (two companies: Advantic Systemas y Servicios SL and Fundacja Rozwoju Przedsiebiorczosci – FRP will organize workshops in addition to courses). Therefore, the principle of close business-university cooperation can be put into effect and the practical perspective in the academic approach can be ensured.

Students were the main beneficiaries of the Summer School. They worked on the material so that educators could analyse the workflow, student reaction, and the overall value of the tasks to improve the material before launching it to a wider target audience. Successful participation was awarded by 3 ECTS.

Summer School advantages:

Students who participates in the Summer School were the initial pilot group to test the new material. The last day of training was devoted to gathering comprehensive qualitative feedback and suggestions for possible improvements. The main final goal of this programme was to improve and acquire new entrepreneurial skills and to get, the students ready for the labor market. By participating in courses, students had the possibility to enhance their entrepreneurial mind-sets as well as their entrepreneurial skills. Students were in a better position to identify their own professional potential and career paths. During the stay, company representatives gave lectures/workshops/trainings/presentations/ solving real-life challenges defined by employers. These representatives provided insights about their experiences and know how. This Summer School was a way of strengthening cooperation with labor market representatives on an international scale.

Summer School


International Summer School in Entrepreneurship – Organization Management Accounting

Date of stay:

Arrival- 24/07



Hosting University:

Università degli Studi di Napoli, Federico II. – Naples, Italy


#empl-oi makes it possible for all students in Business and Engineering fields to participate in the Summer School. Students will come from the following universities:

  • University of Nice Sophia Antipolis

  • University of Lodz

  • University of Naples

  • University of Alcalà

  • Vytautas Magnus University

Program of the Summer School:

There will be 6 hours of courses per day. The following courses will be delivered in English by universities participating in #empl-oi:

  • University of Lodz : « Social Entrepreneurship »

  • University of Alcalà : « IT applied to Business Area »

  • Vytautas Magnus University: « Innovation »

  • University of Nice : « Organizational behavior and organizational design »

  • University of Naples : « Business Plan »


3 ECTS credit points will be awarded to a successful participation at the Summer School.

A second Intensive Programme for teaching staff will be held at the University of Nice in summer 2017. It will target the employers, educators and administrative staff in order to provide information on how to practically implement the feedback received from the representatives of labor market.

The overall aim of both intensive programmes is to raise awareness of entrepreneurial skills in the context of social entrepreneurship. Summer Schools will also allow piloting the material developed, collect feedback and reflect on the ways to use it in frame of the respective curricula.