
Timing Topic Speaker
09:00 Registration  
09:30 Opening and Welcome Tim Bastiaens (Erasmus Student Network) and Vikrant Janawade (University of Nice, France)
09:40 Project #empl-oi: A roadmap to develop entrepreneurial skills for university students Vikrant Janawade (University of Nice, France)
10:00 Fostering Entrepreneurship: the Role of Universities and Public Institutions Igor Kalinic (Centre for International Business - University of Leeds / EC - DG Growth)
10:20 Entrepreneurial competences development platform: where business meets young generation Osvaldas Stripeikis (Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania)
10:40 Social entrepreneurship in education and practice Bogdan Buczkowski (University of Lodz, Poland)
11:00 Coffee Break  
11:30 Education and entrepreneurship. Mapping the territory towards an action plan Rosanna Spano (University of Naples, Italy)
11:50 The importance of lifelong learning in preparing education systems to a modern society Brikena Xhomaqi (Lifelong Learning Platform)

Panel discussion:
Topic : International part-time placements: how to equip university students with the right set of skills? Moderator: Vikrant Janawade (University of Nice)

Participants: Ignacio Bravo (University of Alcala, Spain), Tijana Stojanovic (ESN), Igor Kalinic (Centre for International Business - University of Leeds / DG Growth - European Commission), Giedre Belazariene (UAB Festo, Lithuania)
13:00 Lunch  
14:00 HEInnovate and the University Business Cooperation  Maria Palladino (EC - DG Education, Youth, Sport and Culture)

Why Industry leaders need entrepreneurial skills; the development and assessment of these skills, and the role of universities in helping future leaders to develop them

Steven Price (EIIL - European Institute for Industrial Leadership)
14:40 COOPETIC Recherche, the first Cooperative for Activity and Entrepreneurship (CAE) dedicated to Research and Innovation Amélie Bigorgne (COOPETIC Recherche)
15:00 Coffee Break  
15:30 Panel discussion:
Topic: Paving the way for stronger university-business cooperation
Moderator: Tim Bastiaens (ESN)
Participants: Marie Montaldo and Joachim Wyssling (EUF, Luxembourg), Giedre Belazariene (UAB Festo, Lithuania), Osvaldas Stripeikis (Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania), Amélie Bigorgne (COOPETIC Recherche)
16:30 Closing of the conference